NWSS- Denver, CO:
Grand Champion Galloway Bull -
2018- WV Denver D20
2016- HB Bruno 4714
2014-HB Moto Moto 3342
2012-Glenfiddich Pericles
2011-Glenfiddich Pericles
2010- Glenfiddich Pericles
Grand Champion Galloway Female -
2019 - HB Faith 2758
2018- HB Brenda 2194
2016-HB Claire 4715
2014-HB Princess 3402 (co-owned by Wheeler Farms)
Grand Champion Galloway Bull Calf-
2019- HB Ferrari 2428
Grand Champion Galloway Jr. Bull -
2018-WV Denver D20
Grand Champion Pair of Bulls -2017, 2016, 2014
Grand Champion Pair of Females-
Grand Champion Get-of-Sire -
2016-HB Moto Moto 3342
2014-Glenfiddich Pericles
Grand Champion Progeny of Dam -
2017- HB Yolonda 4971
2014- J-7 Navoo 334
Grand Champion Galloway Heifer Calf -
2019- HB Faith 4758
2013-HB Ziffany 1472
Grand Champion Galloway Jr. Heifer -
2019 - HB Faith 4758
2013-HB Ziffany 1472
Grand Champion Percentage Female -
2019 - HB Fancy 2608
2017- HB Darling 3436
Grand Champion Percentage Heifer Calf-
2014-HB Molly 5153
Grand Champion Carcass-
2019- HB Flirt 2198
2016-HB Blossom 3344
2014-HB Zeta 2042
Grand Champion Steer-
2018- Big Bud
Reserve Champion Galloway Bull -
2019 - HB Ferrari 2428
2017- HB Destroyer 4716
2016-HB Classified 3405
2012-HB Yesman 121
2008-HB Template 3347
Reserve Champion Galloway Female -
Reserve Champion Galloway Heifer Calf -
2019- HB Flirt 2198
2013-HB Zaida 1202
Reserve Champion Jr. Heifer -
2019 - HB Flirt 2198
Reserve Champion Jr. Galloway Bull-
2019 HB Ferrari 2428
2015-HB Bruno 1474
Reserve Champion Galloway Bull Calf-
2014-HB Admiral 2643 (owned Darcy Goodrich)
Reserve Champion Pair of Bulls- 2018, 2019
Reserve Champion Pair of Females- 2014, 2019
Reserve Champion Percentage Female-
2014-HB Oh Baby 5152
2013-HB Oh Baby 5152
Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer calf-
2014-HB Siera 3433
Reserve Champion Carcass -
2018 - HB Brenda 2194
Premier Breeder-2016
Premier Exhibitor- 2016
NILE - Billings,MT:
Grand Champion AOB Jr. Bull -
2017 - WV Denver 20D
Grand Champion Galloway Bull -
2016- HB Moto Moto 3342
2015-HB Moto Moto 3342
2014-HB Bruno 1474
2013-HB Moto Moto 3342
2012- HB Moto Moto 3342
Grand Champion Galloway Female -
2012-HB Xena 3040
Grand Champion Galloway Bull Calf -
2013- HB Moto Moto 3342
Grand Champion Pair of Bulls -2015, 2014, 2013
Grand Champion Pair of Females-2013
Grand Champion Get-of-Sire -
2014-Glenfiddich Pericles
2013- Glenfiddich Pericles
Grand Champion Progeny of Dam -
2013- J-7 Navoo 334
Grand Champion Percentage Female -
2013-HB Molly 5153
Reserve Champion Galloway Bull -
2014-HB Beefcake 2644
2013-CK Avenger 18Z
Reserve Champion Galloway Female -
2013- HB Princess 3402 (co-owned by Wheeler Farms)
North Star Classic - Valley City, ND:
Grand Champion Galloway Bull -
2013-HB Moto Moto 3342
Grand Champion Galloway Female -
2013-HB Zeta 2042
Grand Champion Pair of Bulls -2013
Grand Champion Pair of Females-2013
Grand Champion Get-of-Sire -
2013- Glenfiddich Pericles
Reserve Champion Galloway Bull -
2013-HB Admiral 2643
Reserve Champion Galloway Female -
2013-HB Angel 3343
World Beef Expo-Milkeawee, WI:
Grand Champion Galloway Bull -
Grand Champion Galloway Female -
2019-HB Flirt 2198
Grand Champion Pair of Bulls -
Grand Champion Pair of Females-
Grand Champion Senior Female -
2019- HB Zeta 2042
Grand Champion Percentage Female-
2019- H B Fancy 2609
Grand Champion Get-of-Sire -
Reserve Champion Galloway Bull -
Reserve Champion Galloway Female -